Monday, April 13, 2015

About "Project Feacelift"

Hello all! As most of you know, I am a Girl Scout. I have been involved for many years and have now reached the point where I am about to embark on my journey towards earning my Gold Award, the highest award that a Girl Scout can earn. The bulk of this award revolves around a project; something that allows you to reach out into the community and address an issue that you connect with on a personal level. For me, this was community theatre and supporting the arts. When I decided on this issue, I immediately thought of my wonderful local theatre, the Old Courthouse Theatre (or the OCT as we theatre nerds like to call it). I thought about how much the dressing rooms above the main stage needed to be worked on and remodeled. I decided it was time to give them a facelift, hence the name of my project. I created this blog so that I would be able to share my journey with you and hopefully other members of the theatre community all over North Carolina. I hope you all have fun sharing in these experiences with me and support me as I embark on this carazy adventure.

Thanks for reading!